Sunday, September 29, 2013

A smile worth $20

This post could also have been titled how daddy is a sucker and is in big trouble for later down the road, but I like my current view right now better.

I think the conversation went something like this:

D: Daddy's hungry Zoe lets go get some Jack in the Box

Z: I want a Jack in the Box

D: Ok lets get in the car and get some

Z: Yeah I get a Jack in the Box

Z: Daddy, this is not a Jack in the Box, this is a sandwich

D: It's a Jack in the Box Sandwich

Z: I don't want a sandwich I want a jack in the box (enter Zoe sad face)

D: (Trying to play dumb) I don't understand, this is jack in the box

Z: Daddy, i want a toy jack in the box (More Zoe sad face)

D: I don't know what that is

Z: Daddy, you know you make it go round and round like this (doing the cranking motion of winding the jack in the box)

D: Do you have a jack in the box

Z: No but I really want one

D: Where did you learn about a jack in the box

Z: I play with one at preschool but I really really want a jack in the box, please Daddy, please may I have a jack in the box please

D: Ok, go get in the car we'll go to Target and get one

Z: Yeah I get a Jack in the Box

D: Zoe, Target doesn't have a Jack in the Box

Z: (More Zoe sad face) Please Daddy, I really want a Jack in the Box

D: Ok. We'll go look at Wal-Mart

Z: Yeah I get a Jack in the box

D: Zoe Wal-Mart doesn't have a Jack in the Box

Z: (More Zoe sad face) Please Daddy, I really want a Jack in the Box

D: (Calling Suzanne) Where can I find a Jack in the Box

S: She just wants lunch from Jack in the Box

D: I think we've made it perfectly clear that is not what she's wanting

S: Maybe try Toys R US

D: The closest Toys R US is 30 Mins drive away but I promised her a Jack in the box

Z: Yeah I love my Jack in the Box

So what do you think, A smile worth 20 bucks or Daddy's a Sucker

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Worth every penny! And you are rewarding persistence and the ability to express needs verbally. Both admirable qualities!