We went and took a couple of cute pictures in the park.
The Moon coming up and the Sun going down.
We were going to have some professional pictures taken but then we didn't get around to it. I think the one's we did turned out pretty good. Suzanne looking cute as always.
So I think we have officially reached 7 months now, and the anticipation is growing!
Suzanne always looks so cute!!!
All dressed up and ready to go out for the evening. (Fondue is so yummy!)
We picked a good game to go to this year!
The Aggie band always puts on a good show.
Zoe you must like football, it's not an option!!! (A little girl can like both dance and football right?) Everything in your room now may be pink, but maroon is a good color too.
We found out that Zoe like to stay on her stomach. She didn't want to turn over to get a good look at her heart, oh well that just means that we get to go back again.
Whole body picture!
She was kicking a lot, here is a picture of her foot.
We decided it would be nice to have a central enclosed room where the baby can play and we can keep all the baby toys, so we put doors up to enclose our living room.
A picture of our entry way, with the new doors.
The new doors between the living room and the dining room.
I think I'll go with putting most of the baby related things on the baby blog and see where it go0es.